Tuesday, March 12, 2013

An IDEA can change your life : : Safety Belt T-Shirts

There are really no arguments for drivers and passengers not to wear their seat belts, and those who don't will try to make petty excuses and then change the subject. As in most parts of the world, wearing a seat belt is required in China as well, but some crafty minds have found a simple way to avoid being fined.

The solution is a simple white T-shirt, with a diagonally-printed black line starting from the left shoulder and ending just above the wearer's left hip. The design perfectly mimics the position of an actual seat belt, and it is designed to fool police officers, which at a first glance, will think the driver is actually wearing his or her belt.

We don't know whether to laugh out loud or raise our eyebrow at this unusual style of T-shirt, but the fact of the matter is that safety should never be taken lightly, so a raised eyebrow it is, then.
By Andrei Nedelea
Story References: Carnewschina , Hljnews Taobao

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